sheetrock-attic-remodel-added-space-a4whoOne of the things I love doing in January is reviewing where I am and what I’d like to accomplish this year.

Home ownership is still a sound financial investment but we’ve got to be patient. One way of looking at your home is to focus on where you would like to be in 5 years. Why not build a strategy that gives you flexibility so that you will be ready to sell your home when the market makes it feasible?

If your home needs painting now, maybe low maintenance siding is a better solution as it will look just as good in 5 years. Or, if your kitchen needs updating, why not make those changes now and enjoy them for a few years? Homeowners often say with a new counter top and hardware, they don’t want to move.

To build your home strategy for the next 5 years, we’ve got a summary of the 2015 “Cost vs Value Remodeling Trends”. Our goal is to help you find solutions to your home goals and dreams, while making sound investments in your home. We’ve also got fun ideas this month: actual projects that we have done for our homeowner clients.

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